du vet att du är chilenare när du...

* You've watched every soccer world cup, but know that Chile only qualifies every 20 years or so

* You know who Yayita, Cone and Comegato are.

* You hate Argentina, but don't really know why.

* Every celebration calls for an asado.

* If you are from Santiago, you had bronquitis every winter as a child.

* You're still trying to find a place that serves Fanshop outside Chile.

* You know that nothing beats an Italiano for a hotdog.

* You know what Pablo Neruda's voice sounds like, and it isn't sexy.

* You've witnessed or participated in way too many discussions about el once

* Someone in your family is a Pinochetista, but someone in your family was for the UP as well.

* You miss playing bingo in Tur-bus

* Your family had a fight every 5-6 months over whether to watch the teleserie from canal 7 o canal 13.

* You know that Sabado Gigante started in Chile.

* You know Don Francisco's real name.

* You know what hallullas and marraquetas are.

* You know what Bilz y Pap are, but they should probably disappear anyway (they taste like cough medicine!)

If you think of more, let me know and I'll post them here...otherwise put them in the discussion board!

haha kul läsning.det stämmer ganska bra.


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