"Triumph of the Sign"
fin kultur möter varufetischism av Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
DD: You seem to like opposites – You quote Karl Marx, the daddy of anti-capitalism, in the press release but also use dollar bills and corporate logos in your art and fashion shows. Why is that?
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: Yes, I like complete opposites because they provoke reflection. In many ways I’m full of contradictions; my ancestors were marquis and French Noblemen, but I’m also an artist starved for contemporary culture.
DD: You use icons and iconic images in both your art and fashion –why?
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: They’re always with us, like faces, texts and prints, for example. And they’re linked to our past, they’re the heroes of history!
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DD: You seem to like opposites – You quote Karl Marx, the daddy of anti-capitalism, in the press release but also use dollar bills and corporate logos in your art and fashion shows. Why is that?
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: Yes, I like complete opposites because they provoke reflection. In many ways I’m full of contradictions; my ancestors were marquis and French Noblemen, but I’m also an artist starved for contemporary culture.
DD: You use icons and iconic images in both your art and fashion –why?
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: They’re always with us, like faces, texts and prints, for example. And they’re linked to our past, they’re the heroes of history!
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